
4.8 ( 7058 ratings )
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Forfatter: The Jersey Company

You wanna make progress, right? Get things accomplished in life? Welcome to the club!

iCommit isnt a GTD system (these are great - but different), it isnt another task manager or even a goal setting scheme. Simply put - it is an accountability tool that allows you to measure your development towards a Commitment each and every day.

And here’s how it’s done.

Step 1: Set your Commitment

Your Commitment is your headline, a personal pledge or assurance that will empower you to take action and achieve unheeded ambition!

Lets say you want to get healthier. Simply open the iCommit app and set up your ‘Get Healthy’ Commitment. No need to worry about end dates, plans and strategies- that stuff just complicates things.

Step 2: Define your actions

OK; you now need to create some everyday actions to help bring this commitment to pass. On the Lite version you can set up to 7 actions (you don’t have to do as many as 7 though).

So, to continue the ‘Get Healthy’ Commitment: if you are a self-confessed chocoholic (as we are here at the iCommit development team), cutting down on eating chocolate would be a great way to kickstart the new health regime.

Great, that can be your first action: ‘Cut back on eating chocolate’.

What else could you add? How about some exercise? You live two miles from the office, so walking to work rather than driving seems like a possibility. Action number 2: ‘walk to work’.

Lets add a few more actions: Action 3: ‘Drink 2 litres of water’, Action 4: ‘Eat 5 portions of fruit or veg’ and Action 5: ‘Get 8 hours quality sleep per night’.

Perfect, that’s done. What’s next?

Step 3: Set your reminder

Its useful to get in to the habit of completing your scores at the same time every day. The iCommit app allows you to set a reminder for this and it only takes a few seconds per day to review your development.

Hang on a minute? Scores? What are they? Well, we are glad you asked:

Step 4: Score yourself

Using the scoring system below iCommit allows you to survey your efforts that day:

5 - Jumping for joy at your achievement today. You came, you saw, you conquered and you kicked butt.

4 - Excellent, praise worthy and good all at the same time. You maybe didnt kick butt but you were darn close.

3 – Satisfied but not overwhelmed with your efforts.

2 - Pretty lame: you want to kick your own butt for this poor level.

1 - Ouch! Not only did you not do anything, you sabotaged previous efforts.

Step 5: Monitor your results

This is where the magic happens.

iCommit automatically charts your performance in a wonderfully weekly graph (a little bit of analogue in this digital world!) You will become aware of your individual habits and will begin to understand how you can personally accomplish progress.

And that is iCommit in a nutshell - you set a Commitment, each commitment has a series of actions and then you score yourself each day on those actions. Voila! You are on the way to getting healthier.